If you choose to start from scratch on an existing canvas you will have to pay a 30% royalty fee when you sell the piece. In addition, all previous artistic creations will be included in the providence of the piece.
No, it is optional. You may sell the piece of artwork without modifying it. You may feel the artwork is complete and may want to just appreciate the piece for what it is.
Yes, anything goes. You can ruin the artwork or just make a small modification. Just remember, every change will impact the value of the artwork. Similar to buying a painting and burning it, the piece is yours to change.
Yes, anything goes.
Yes, anything goes.
We want to respect and honour all contributors that have impacted the artistic piece. The 30% royalty fee incentives the broader community to collaborate and keep the piece of work alive.
Yes, all pieces are stored in IPFS and tracked on the Ethereum blockchain. At any point you can look up the providence of the piece of artwork.